For Schools April is the New August
April is the new August.
Today, we launched our Distance Learning Plan for our core content classes and it sort of feels like the first day of school for me and in many ways it is.
Although we have a lot of constraints with distance learning, many of our usual constraints have been removed.
Often we do many things in school because of their utility or transactional value. We do this one thing because it will help students do the next thing.
We don’t always get the chance to do things strictly out of love, love of our content, love of our students, or love of learning, but we have that chance now.
We don’t have state testing, classes are pass/fail, the Juniors are SAT optional… as you enter this “new school year” in the midst of a global pandemic, a hope that you can do so with a sense of joy and let students feel your love of learning and your love for them.
I’m not sugar coating it. It’s going to be tough, but it’s a great opportunity to reconnect with your love of learning and the joy you feel when you share it with your students.